D&B D-U-N-S® Number is the key to Revenue Growth and Profitability

The D&B number (D-U-N-S® Number) is a Unique 9-Digit Identifier for your Businesses. It is used to establish a business credit file, which is often referenced by lenders and potential business partners to help predict the reliability and/or financial stability of the company in question. D-U-N-S®, which stands for Data Universal Number System, is used to maintain accurate and timely information on +500 million global businesses.


D&B D-U-N-S® Number is the key to Revenue Growth and Profitability

The D&B number (D-U-N-S® Number) is a Unique 9-Digit Identifier for your Businesses. It is used to establish a business credit file, which is often referenced by lenders and potential business partners to help predict the reliability and/or financial stability of the company in question. D-U-N-S®, which stands for Data Universal Number System, is used to maintain accurate and timely information on +500 million global businesses.


D-U-N-S® is a business identification system used by businesses, banks and governments to learn about your business.

Up to Date

D-U-N-S® maintains accurate and timely information on +500 million global businesses.


The D-U-N-S® Number is a unique identifier that
stays with your business forever.


D&B D-U-N-S® Numbers can be assigned to all
business entities (including sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations) and government bodies.


D-U-N-S® is a business identification system used by businesses, banks and governments to learn about your business.

Up to Date

D-U-N-S® maintains accurate and timely information on +500 million global businesses.


The D-U-N-S® Number is a unique identifier that
stays with your business forever.


D&B D-U-N-S® Numbers can be assigned to all
business entities (including sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations) and government bodies.

What is a D&B D-U-N-S® Number and Why do you need it?

The D&B D-U-N-S® Number is used in dozens of countries around the world, including the U.S., Australia, and the European Union, and confers numerous benefits to businesses that participate. The business credit file associated with your business’s D&B D-U-N-S® Number is a Unique 9-Digit Identifier for your businesses, can help potential partners and lenders learn about your business and make informed decisions about whether or not to work with you as a client, supplier or partner. Even after you’ve signed a contract or accepted a loan, your D&B D-U-N-S® Number can be used to get a clear view of your business, which can help you negotiate for improved terms and conditions or a favorable line of credit.

  • Establish credibility with lenders
  • Do business with the government and companies outside the U.S.
  • Make sure other businesses get a complete and accurate story about your business.
  • Expedite applications for loans and contracts
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How do I get a D&BD-U-N-S® Number?

Dun & Bradstreet’s worldwide database currently covers +500 million businesses worldwide, which means that your entity may already have a D&B D-U-N-S® Number assigned to it. If not, D&B D-U-N-S® Number is easy to obtain.

You can contact us to either obtain your D&B D-U-N-S® Number or modify or know your existing D&B D-U-N-S® Number.

Become Credible

D&B D-U-N-S® Number enhances the credibility of your business in the marketplace.

Become Identifiable

D&B D-U-N-S® Number enables potential customers, suppliers and lenders to easily identify and learn about your company.

Become Trustworthy

D&B D-U-N-S® Number is recognized, recommended and/or required by more than 200 global, industry and trade associations, including the United Nations, the U.S. Federal Government, the Australian Government and the European Commission.